The Best Return on Investment for your Time

When you think about investments in the stock market, you’re always looking to get back way more than you put in. That’s how compounding interest works, and its why you should invest early and often. In reality, what exactly you invest in doesn’t matter as much as having invested. If you just invest in everything (through a low-cost ETF) you are going to get a good return on that investment (ROI).

The same is true for your time.

If you’re thoughtful about where you spend your time, and make regular investments then you’re going to see disproportionate returns. It doesn’t matter as much what you’re doing in those areas of investment, what matters is that you’re investing.

Here are my best bang-for-your-buck time usages each week:

  1. Time with God: Reading / Praying / Reflection (2.5 hrs / week)
    This is foundational. Being in a good place spiritually changes how I view myself, others, inevitable difficulties, priorities and confidence.

  2. Time with Reading / (1.5 hrs / week)
    Learning and growing keeps me fresh and brings new insight into my work and relationships. It’s a highlight of my week.

  3. Workout (0.5 hrs X 3 / week)
    This is my stress-busting, energy producing time investment. Kettlebells, body-weight exercises, and stretching.

  4. Making a weekly plan with calendar / priorities (0.5 hrs / week)
    Having a plan, being proactive and fighting being overwhelmed.

  5. Review your finances (0.5 hrs / week)
    Keeping an eye on your spending / saving and making sure you’re on track for the future helps reduce stress, and be more generous.

These five activities help me be better for the things that I really care about in my life – my relationship with my wife and kids, being present and positive in my work, staying in a balanced place emotionally.

I know you might be looking at this list, and thinking who’s got time for all this ? This is 6.5 hours a week I just don’t have. I’d just like to point out, if you’re part of the American population spending 3+ hours on your smart phone EVERY DAY (don’t be fooled – that’s not some addicted group of outliers, that’s 79% of the population according to this survey (link).

The Stoic philosopher Seneca says it well: “It is not that we have a short space of time, but that we waste much of it”